Verde Vida Sticker

Verde Vida Sticker

Regular price $3.00

Color White

Some people lean towards red, most people prefer green, and those who can’t decide between the two order it Christmas. Green chile is as New Mexico as our beloved Zia symbol. The smell of fire roasted green chile signals the arrival of fall in our beautiful state. New Mexicans treasure the early fall tradition of gathering with the familia to roast, peel & bag this NM gold, assembly line style, fingers burning and mouth’s watering. It’s savory spicy taste adds value to every person's life who enjoys it, whether on a green chile cheeseburger, on a warm tortilla with fresh chicharrones or in a creamy green chile chicken enchilada. To crave green chile is a sign that you not only embrace this food but acknowledge that Verde es su Vida!

• 2.0” x 2.0”
• UV matte laminated polypropylene
• Outdoor durable
• Crack and peel backing


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